In February, we launched JetBrains Academy – an educational platform for future professionals. We started with Java, and during these first months, we’ve worked to identify and adopt the learning concepts we believe in. Now it’s time to take it a step further. We’re excited to announce that the Kotlin track is ready for you!


We are passionate about learning and believe in the following:

  • Learning programming language concepts alone is never enough. The best way to learn is to go beyond lectures and learn by doing.
  • It's never too late to pursue your dream job. Every learning goal is achievable with a step-by-step plan and instant feedback.
  • Mastering professional tools and creating a portfolio is an essential part of learning to program.

If you share these values, don’t hesitate to join us and start learning!

Learn Kotlin step by step by building working apps

If you’re just starting out and taking your first steps with Kotlin, you can get your journey off to a good start by following our Kotlin Track:

You will need to choose your level and pick a project that interests you:

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Now you’re ready to register/log in and start learning.

Each project has learning outcomes and is split into stages. Stages help you progress from simple to more advanced code, allowing you to add more functionality to your working app at each stage:

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Each stage of a project includes a list of topics you need to complete to progress with the stage:

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Each topic focuses on explaining one concept in detail using multiple examples of the relevant code. Topics can take around 15 minutes to complete:

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Each topic has quizzes and code challenges that you can solve in your browser:

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… or right inside IntelliJ IDEA or Android Studio:

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The IDE can help you with the code challenges, thanks to its advanced code analysis and quick-fix options:

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We recommend building all the project stages right inside the IDE:

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When the project is ready, it can be uploaded to your portfolio on GitHub:

Screenshot 2019-12-05 at 00.02.20

Practice Kotlin concepts with interactive challenges

If you already have experience with Kotlin and just want to fill in some gaps, the advanced search will provide a handful of cheat sheets with summaries you can revise, it is a good starting point:

Screenshot 2019-12-05 at 03.16.31

The best way to check your knowledge and understanding of a concept is to solve some challenges:

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Within the theory and practice exercises, each topic has a list of related topics:

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If you want an overview of all the Kotlin concepts – to check for gaps in your knowledge and see which topics you can learn to fill them – our custom Knowledge Map shows the full scope of topics and the connections between them:

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In the Knowledge Map, you can also switch to more general topics to learn and practice computer algorithms, developer tool essentials, and more.

What’s the next step?


JetBrains Academy is free of charge while in Early Access, so give it a try. Start learning, build your first project, and tell us what you think, either here in the comments or on Twitter.

If you’re at KotlinConf, don’t miss the JetBrains Academy office hour at the Kotlin booth at 14:45 CET with @TrueSebi!

If you’re an educator and want to collaborate with us, email us at

The Educational Products Team