At JetBrains, our whole world revolves around software development. It follows naturally that with everything we do, from the tools we develop to the Kotlin language – and even this survey – we have a vested interest in trying to make the lives of developers better.

So that we can best serve the community, we ask you to contribute your valuable insights about the development ecosystem by taking this 15-20 minute survey, which is available in 8 languages.

Developer Ecosystem 2020 Survey

As always, we’ll share all the results of this survey, along with our most interesting findings, with everyone at the end. We’ll also provide you with the raw anonymized data so you can do your own analysis and test your hypotheses. In addition, if you are interested, we can prepare personalized results for you that illuminate your place within the ecosystem.

What’s more, participating in the survey gives you a chance to win an exciting prize of your choice: a MacBook Pro, a $300 Amazon certificate, or a JetBrains Surprise Gift Pack.

Your thoughts and expertise are valuable to us!

Take the Developer Ecosystem 2020 Survey now

Please invite your friends and colleagues to take this survey, too! Last year, more than 19,000 people participated in the Developer Ecosystem Survey. The more developers contribute to the study, the more representative it will be of the community.

Sincerely, The JetBrains Research team