Hooray, EduTools plugin v3.6 and the 2020.1 builds of PyCharm Edu and IntelliJ IDEA Edu are now released! We’ve made a lot of performance improvements, bug fixes and added some new things to provide you with a truly enjoyable experience of learning and teaching to program.


But, first things first:

A new, easier-to-use UI for filtering courses

This new UI helps you easily navigate between listed courses and choose the right course for you based on your preferred programming languages and the language of instruction:

More detailed error messages, improved performance, and bug fixes

We care deeply about performance, user experience, and bug fixes and try to do our best with every EduTools plugin release. For the full list of issues addressed in EduTools 3.6, please see the release notes.

PyCharm Edu 2020.1 and IntelliJ IDEA Edu 2020.1

We’ve prepared new 2020.1 IDE builds for PyCharm Edu and IntelliJ IDEA Edu. They combine the latest fixes for PyСharm and IntelliJ IDEA and the latest plugin updates in v3.6. You can download the builds from our website, via the Toolbox App, or as a snap package (for Ubuntu).

Your Educational Products team.