The time has come to update your tools and start using their new features. All the JetBrains IDEs are now polished and new, ready for you to create something great.

Take a look at this short summary of what you can find in the new versions of the JetBrains IDEs. We would also like to remind you that the easiest way to update your tools is via the Toolbox App.

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IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1 adds support for Java 14 and new features for a number of frameworks, upgrades the debugger with dataflow analysis assistance, adds a new LightEdit mode, and downloads and configures the JDK for you. You will also discover new in-place Rename and Change Signature refactorings, in-editor rendering of Javadocs, lots of VCS improvements, and so much more.


WebStorm 2020.1 comes with a more polished look and feel, out-of-the-box support for Vuex and Vue Composition API, an option for running Prettier on save, and some improvements for JavaScript and TypeScript.


Rider 2020.1 features the new .NET Core edition and Xamarin Hot Reload. Profiling is now easier with a brand new feature called Dynamic Program Analysis. The editor’s severity can now be configured with one click, and Unity developers benefit from lots of major updates and fixes.


PhpStorm 2020.1 provides out-of-the-box support for composer.json, PHP type inference improvements, support for code coverage with PCOV and PHPDBG, PHPUnit toolbox, the Grazie grammar checker, and many other improvements.


GoLand 2020.1 includes a variety of upgrades for Go Modules support, code-editing features that require little to no interaction from the user, an expanded code completion family, and more!


PyCharm 2020.1brings a lot of things that make development easier, like interactive rebasing, smart debugging, and more. It is now possible to turn the commit dialog into a tool window that’s open next to your code. In the debugger, what used to be Smart Step Into has become even smarter yet and is now the default Step Into.


CLion 2020.1 brings dozens of improvements across many IDE features. This includes CUDA support, formatter and refactoring enhancements, deeper integration with Clang-based tools, and new options in Run/Debug configurations. For Windows developers the new version comes with support for the Clang-cl compiler, while for Embedded projects CLion adds IAR compiler support and an experimental PlatformIO plugin.


RubyMine 2020.1 improves navigation between Rails entities and adds smarter code assistance. Setting up run configurations, SSH, and Docker are now more convenient. The new LightEdit mode allows you to quickly edit files without loading a project. This update also includes improvements for version control, the terminal, JS, and database tools.


AppCode 2020.1 brings completion during indexing, faster code assistance in pure Swift and mixed projects, the generation of documentation comments, new inspections and intentions, the Type Hierarchy view for Swift, and new sorting modes for the Swift Structure view.


ReSharper Ultimate 2020.1 offers support for more C# 8.0 and C++20 features, Dataflow Analysis for integer values, and some performance modifications under ReSharper’s hood. Also, ReSharper C++ includes better code completion, new inspections with quick-fixes, and initial HLSL support.


ReSharper C++ 2020.1 includes more support for C++20 features, better code completion, and new inspections with quick-fixes. For game developers, this release better aligns with Unreal Engine 4 guidelines and introduces initial HLSL support.


DataGrip 2020.1 makes it possible to run configurations and export to Excel. It also includes results in the editor, geo viewer, and more!

In the meantime, all the product teams have started working on the newest features and upcoming EAPs for the 2020.2 release. Stay tuned to the dedicated product blogs for news about their progress. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

Stay home, stay healthy, have fun! The JetBrains team