This year’s third big update – CLion 2019.3 – has landed, along with its first bug-fix update, 2019.3.1. If you haven’t yet updated your CLion, now is a great time to do so.

Before moving forward on to 2020, we’d like to give our most sincere thanks to our Early Access Program users! Without you we wouldn’t be able to catch so many annoying issues affecting the wide variety of C++ environments, and make CLion as good as it can be!

Special thanks

We’d like to present our most active EAP evaluators with a full 1-year subscription to CLion, which they can use to buy a new subscription or extend a current one. Feel free to pass the code to a friend or colleague! So our special thanks go to:

  • Roman Popov
  • Maxim Yanchenko
  • Miha Rozina
  • Roland Illig

You will receive a personal email with details on how to claim your license. (If for some reason you do not get an email from us within a week, ping us here in the comments!)

Roadmap: CLion in 2020

Let’s first look at the main priorities we have for 2020. Actually, they haven’t changed much since 2019. We are still focusing on:

  1. Performance and responsiveness: continue eliminating UI freezes and working on large architectural changes to make global improvements to CLion’s performance.
  2. Clangd: make the engine more stable and eliminate crashes, move as many IDE functions as possible to Clangd, and add new language features on top of the Clangd-based language engine.
  3. Project model: work on native support for Makefiles, consider other build systems such as  Bazel, and work towards a project model API in CLion.
  4. Embedded: double the efforts we put into the embedded development support and work on more essential features in this area.

Taking on 2020.1

Here are the main tasks we’ve set for the next release, CLion 2020.1, which should be out around late March. Please note: The following is only a preliminary plan. We cannot guarantee that all of the features listed below will be included in CLion 2020.1.

  • Clangd-based engine:
  • Improve engine stability, eliminate crashes, investigate memory usage.
  • Fix Clangd code completion issues.
  • Automatically use the .clang-tidy config file in the project directory, if any.
  • Move Data Flow Analysis to Clangd to improve the performance.
  • C++ support:
  • Initial CUDA support.
  • Enhance typing in the multiline macros, and add other performance and responsiveness improvements.
  • Introduce default values for Change Signature refactoring.
  • Project Models:
  • Native Makefiles support.
  • Polish the CMake File API integration (including recompiling a single file).
  • Debugger:
  • Debugging of Core dumps (CPP-7977).
  • Input redirection (CPP-3153).
  • Embedded development:
  • IAR and armcc toolchain support (CPP-14192).
  • Various fixes and enhancements:
  • Fix bugs and freezes related to remote toolchains.
  • Automatically add required compilation flags for sanitizers/coverage.

This is what’s going to keep us busy. If you have any new feature requests, please send them to our tracker. We’re listening!

Your CLion Team

JetBrainsThe Drive to Develop