CLion 2020.1 has landed and has been followed up with its first bug-fix update, so it’s time to talk about our plans for the next release.

Special thanks

We have a good tradition to celebrate successful releases by giving our most sincere thanks to our Early Access Program users. Today we’d like to extend our special thanks to these fine folks who’ve been most active, along with a complimentary 1-year CLion subscription:

  • Mansur Mustaquim
  • Taw Moto
  • Pavel Samolisov
  • Tom Evers

We’ll email you in the next few days with a code for getting a new subscription or extending your current one. If you’d like to pass the code to a friend or colleague, that’s OK, too!

Roadmap: CLion 2020.2

Our main priorities for 2020 remain unchanged. Let’s see what particular enhancements we plan to implement during the next release cycle.Please note: The following is only a preliminary plan. We cannot guarantee that all of the features listed below will be included in CLion 2020.2.

  • Language support and Clangd
  • Improve the stability of the Clangd-based language engine, investigate and fix memory leaks, and improve memory consumptions in general.
  • Enable Clangd-based code completion before indexing is complete.
  • Use Clangd-based engine for CLion’s Simplify inspection.
  • Continue fixing particular freezes in various areas.
  • Work on reducing CPU usage on projects like Eigen and others.
  • Project models
  • Continue with the Makefiles prototype (we hope to open it for public testing during this release cycle).
  • Support new features from CMake 3.16 and 3.17.
  • Allow disabling CMake profiles (CPP-12870).
  • Embedded
  • Continue with improvements to PlatformIO integration and the PlatformIO plugin.
  • Debugger
  • Further improvements to the LLDB-based debugger on Windows for the Microsoft Visual C++ toolchain.
  • Ability to debug as root (CPP-7224).
  • Ability to debug with a core file (CPP-7977).
  • Unit testing
  • Update Boost.Test & Catch2 integration to support the latest enhancements in these frameworks.
  • Continue with various fixes in other subsystems, including Remote, Formatter, Code Coverage, Profiling, and more.

That’s it! If you have any new feature requests, please send them to our tracker. We’re listening!

Your CLion Team JetBrainsThe Drive to Develop