We’re pleased to introduce DataGrip 2019.3. This is the third major update of 2019, and it’s packed with various enhancements. Let’s take a look at what it has to offer!


MongoDB support

The day has finally come for us to start adding MongoDB support. Since the request received more than 400 votes, we decided that the time was ripe to begin including basic functionality for it.


Here’s a quick overview of the MongoDB features that work in this version:

Introspection: You can observe collections and fields in the database explorer.

Data viewer: Open any collection or observe the query result and you have the option to sort it by column or filter the values. Paging works, as well.

Tree view: It’s also possible to explore a tree view of the data. To turn it on, click the Gear icon | View as… | Tree.

Query console: To run a statement, put the caret on it and run the console by pressing Ctrl/Cmd+Enter, or use the Play button on the toolbar.

Oracle PL/SQL debugger

In this first version of the long-awaited PL/SQL debugger, you can debug procedures, functions, triggers, and anonymous blocks, and observe variables.


You can visit our help page to learn more about how the debugger works. If you have any feedback for us about the debugger, please don’t hesitate to post it in the corresponding issue.

Working with the source code

  • Diff viewer for routines
  • 3-way merge
  • Code prettifier in PostgreSQL
  • Intentions now work inside the source codes

Running queries

  • Inline query progress
  • Flame chart for explain plan

Coding assistance

  • New inspections
  • New intention actions
  • An option to sort lines alphabetically
  • An option to search only in a selected area
  • Resolve respects filtering
  • New items in the Generate menu

Data editor

  • There are no longer problems with ambiguous names in the result-set.
  • The Modify Table action is now available from the data editor context.

To take in all the new features with full descriptions, please visit the What's New page. You already know all of this, but just as a quick reminder:

Thank you for your attention! Your DataGrip Team