We’ve just released a polished version of the year’s first major release. GoLand 2020.1.1 is out and ready for download in one of the following ways:

  • download it from the website
  • update via the Toolbox App
  • apply as a patch on top of 2020.1 (go to Help | Check for Updates)
  • or use a snap package (for Ubuntu).

Download GoLand 2020.1.1

If you’re interested in more details or even the full list of changes, please see the release notes.

Last but not least, we would like to thank the community for helping us identify issues and sending your feedback. We love hearing from you! Please, do share your feedback with us: here in comments, on Twitter, or in our bug tracker.

GO-9142Smart Code Completion in type cases works for pointers as expected.

GO-7771 — Spell checking no longer reports spelling errors in go.sum files.

GO-9063 — We’ve fixed the problem which was causing a parser error after renaming a directory in a go.mod file.

GO-9068 — The IDE correctly handles vendored dependencies from sibling Go modules.

GO-9020 The Add function quick-fix doesn’t suggest creating a method/function for references in the left part of assignments anymore.

GO-9130 — We’ve fixed the bug which was causing GOROOT/bin in the PATH variable to be missing in the Terminal.

GO-9039 — The code inspection Cannot call pointer method on non-pointer handles embedded types correctly.

IDEA-236197 — GoLand unwraps unneeded quotes from Go Tool parameters while running, to show correct output.