The KotlinConf session recordings have now all been uploaded to the website, along with the slides if there were any. You can search for a particular talk, or you can watch all of them one by one with the KotlinConf playlist on JetBrains TV.

Additionally, all the pictures from the conference are now available! They have been collected into albums and uploaded to the website.


KotlinConf 2019 Recap

On December 4-6, 2019, KotlinConf took place in Copenhagen, Denmark. It was the biggest KotlinConf to date, with more than 1700 participants attending exciting talks given by 70 incredible speakers on 4 tracks over 2 days. And more than 41,000 people watched the live, online KotlinConf 2019 stream. At the time of writing this, the KotlinConf sessions have been watched more than 270,000 times, and the 3 most viewed talks are:

We’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who attended KotlinConf 2019 and to all our partners at the event. Without you, none of this would have been possible. We are incredibly grateful to all the wonderful conference speakers who shared their experiences with attendees and made the conference a really exciting and useful event.


In the Keynote, Andrey Breslav gave an overview of the strategic vision for the future of Kotlin’s evolution. Kotlin targets all platforms and is a versatile tool for bringing all sorts of ideas and products to life. Now we’re looking into how Kotlin could become the default language for all types of software development. The priority for the upcoming Kotlin 1.4 release is to ensure that the language offers an amazing experience to each and every developer, whatever their professional background or platform might be. To achieve this, the team is going to focus on quality and performance, improving the compiler, and polishing and extending the multiplatform capabilities of the language.

Andrey mentioned a number of other talks during the keynote. Most of them cover different aspects of using Kotlin on various platforms. Below is a list of the talks he mentioned for easy navigation:

KotlinConf 2020 in Montreal

Registration for KotlinConf 2020 is now open, and tickets are going fast! It only took three hours for the Super Early Bird package to sell out. Don’t miss your chance to join in the fun. Buy your ticket now at

This year we are coming to Montreal, Canada. The conference will take place over 3 days, with workshops on September 9 and conference presentations on September 10-11.

To stay up to date with news about the conference, subscribe to the KotlinConf newsletter and follow us on Twitter @kotlinconf.