MPS is getting closer to the release of its next major version. Check out the main new features that we’ve prepared for you.


Light patterns (MPS-31733)

Pattern language helps define structure patterns and match nodes over them. It uses regular concept editors which make the pattern appear closely like the nodes it accepts. But for some complex editors that do not correspond exactly to the concept structure, it can be more comfortable to use light patterns (pattern builders) that describe the required structure literally.


BaseLanguage enhancements inspired by the Java language (MPS-31497)

BaseLanguage now includes such features as try with resources, catch multiple exceptions, local variable type inference, and default and private interface methods. No additional language import is required to use these features since they are part of baseLanguage. To provide compatibility with build processes requiring a certain Java language level, each solution can be configured to prohibit language features that are not compatible with the required language level.

Error highlighting in the Messages tool (MPS-31284)

If code in the editor aspect of a language throws an exception, then the default editor is shown for a corresponding cell in a model written in the language. Starting with 2020.1, an error is shown in the Messages tool window if this kind of broken cell is opened in the editor. It's possible to get the stack trace from the error and navigate to the problem cell.

You can find the complete list of issues fixed here.

Have a great day!

Your JetBrains MPS team

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