Every week, in addition to our standard blog post, we are going to publish a quick video overview of what you can find in the upcoming PhpStorm 2020.1 release. In our first episode, we take a look at composer.json support and generating code coverage reports with PCOV, and we also discuss how to customize the syntax of Twig template tags.

The videos will only discuss features that are already available in the builds, so if you are an active EAP user, you may have already noticed some of them. But these videos may still contain some interesting and surprising insights.

The EAP cycle presents a perfect opportunity to give us your feedback, as there is still time to improve PhpStorm according to your needs. The top EAPers will even get an exclusive PhpStorm Elephpant! So if you’re feeling adventurous, download the EAP, check out the videos, and please don’t hesitate to submit your bug reports and feature requests to our issue tracker.

Your JetBrains PhpStorm teamThe Drive to Develop