PhpStorm 2020.1 Beta is available!

PhpStorm 2020.1 Beta

Here is a round-up of the most notable new features for the upcoming 2020.1 release to give a fuller picture of what it will look like.

The links will take you to the EAP posts published over the last few months with detailed descriptions of each feature.

Note that Beta builds are sufficiently more stable than EAP builds, but some issues might still pop up. If you run into any, please report them to our issue tracker. No license is required to use this build.

Get this Beta build via the Toolbox App, download from the website, or as a snap package (for Linux).


HTTP Client

Version Control


  • Grazie Spell Checker can help with proofreading out of the box and without sending your data to third parties.
  • LightEdit mode allows using PhpStorm for quick editing of files without opening the full-blown IDE.
  • The new zero-distraction Zen Mode combines Full Screen and Distraction Free modes in one.
  • SSH configuration UI is unified and assembled in one place.
  • More flexibility when sharing run configurations.


  • JetBrains Mono is now the default font.
  • The light theme has been updated and unified across different OSes and is now called IntelliJ Light.
  • Split terminal sessions to see them side by side.

Web Technologies

  • New smart intentions and inspections for JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • Vuex and Composition API support for Vue.js.
  • Run Prettier on save.

Database Tools

  • Finally, it is possible to export query results to an Excel file.
  • Run configurations are now available in DB tools, too, so you can run SQL queries.
  • The MongoDB console in IDE now has better code completion.

These are just the key enhancements in the upcoming PhpStorm 2020.1. If you’d like to learn more, check out the What’s coming in PhpStorm 2020.1 playlist on our YouTube channel JetBrainsTV.

In the upcoming release announcement, we’ll include more details and describe even more new features!

Stay safe!The JetBrains PhpStorm teamThe Drive to Develop