The recording of our January 16 webinar, How We Built Comma, the Raku IDE, on the IntelliJ Platform featuring Jonathan Worthington, is now available. Subscribe to our community newsletter to receive notifications about future webinars.

This webinar tells the story of how Edument built an IDE for the Raku programming language using the IntelliJ Platform. Building an IDE from scratch would have been prohibitively expensive. By contrast, building on the IntelliJ Platform meant starting from a mature base, getting a great deal of generic IDE functionality for free, and therefore being able to focus on the parts of the experience specific to the Raku language.

The webinar covers:

  • How the IntelliJ Platform models code through the Program Structure Interface
  • An overview of the things that need to be built to provide support for a new language on the IntelliJ Platform
  • How to go from a language support plugin to an IDE
  • Some things the Comma team wish they'd known sooner (or, how to make different mistakes!)


About the Presenter:

Jonathan Worthington is a software architect and developer with an interest in compilers, runtimes, concurrency, and developer tooling. He currently leads the Edument Prague office, which includes the team building Comma, an IDE for the Raku programming language. Aside from Comma, Jonathan has contributed extensively to the Raku programming language, working on the design and implementation of concurrent and parallel language features, the object system, garbage collection, and runtime optimization.