Django 3 has been making the rounds, so time for a webinar showing how to use the new features within PyCharm Professional. Calvin Hendryx-Parker from Six Feet Up, previous webinar presenter, is returning to give us the highlights.

  • Wednesday, April 22
  • 12:00 - 13:00 PM EDT
  • Register Now
  • Aimed at developers with basic Django and PyCharm experience
How To Build Real-Time Interactions In Your Django 3 App


Django 3 brings new features and possibilities. Calvin Hendryx-Parker, previous webinar guest, gives us a tour from a PyCharm perspective:

  • Introduction of new features in Django 3
  • How to use those new features in your app
  • Live coding of async features into an app using PyCharm

Speaking To You

Calvin Hendryx-Parker is an AWS Community Hero and the co-founder and CTO of Six Feet Up, a Python development and Cloud consulting company established in 1999. At Six Feet Up, Calvin establishes the company's technical vision and leads all aspects of the company's technology development. He provide the strategic vision for enhancing the company’s infrastructure, and works with the team to set company priorities/processes that improve development. Calvin is the co-founder of the Python user group IndyPy, the largest tech meetup in Indiana with 1,900+ members.