TeamCity 2019.2.3 bugfix update is already here.

This release fixes over 130 issues and brings notable performance improvements. We strongly recommend upgrading as this version resolves a few security problems.

TeamCity 2019.2.3

The main improvement of this release is the reworked .NET runner functionality. To address the Microsoft vision of the .NET SDK roadmap and ensure the most relevant experience with .NET for our users, we have put all supported .NET commands together in one runner. This universal .NET runner offers the following features:

  • Support of cross-platform .NET commands and Windows-only versions of MSBuild and VSTest
  • Support of the Visual Studio command-line interface
  • Structured build log with highlighting directly in TeamCity, identical to the Visual Studio experience
  • Real-time test reporting
  • Ability to run any command in a Docker container
  • and more

You can continue using existing .NET steps in the new version – no additional tuning is required. More details on migration from obsolete build steps are available in our documentation.

This release also fixes many issues with the build log in the experimental UI. We encourage you to give the experimental UI a go to benefit from a smoother user experience.

The full list of fixes is available in our release notes.

As any bugfix update, 2019.2.3 shares the data format with other 2019.2.x releases, so you can upgrade/downgrade TeamCity within these versions without performing a backup/restore procedure. However, we have decided to introduce the new .NET functionality in a bugfix release so you can benefit from the new features as soon as possible. After manually switching to new .NET commands and settings in 2019.2.3, you might encounter compatibility problems if downgrading to an earlier version of TeamCity. Consider backing up the TeamCity data to prevent any issues in this case. Refer to our Upgrade Notes for more information.

Use one of these options to upgrade:

Your feedback is welcome in our forum or tracker.

Happy building!