WebStorm 2019.3.2, the second bug-fix update for WebStorm 2019.3, is now available!

You can update to it using the Toolbox App or right from the IDE. You can also download WebStorm 2019.3.2 from our website.

This bug-fix update comes with a couple of new features, such as:

  • Support for loading Sass built-in modules with `@use` (WEB-42783).
  • Initial support for type-only imports and exports in TypeScript 3.8 (WEB-43125).

Besides that, here’s what has been fixed in WebStorm 2019.3.2:

  • Code completion for Node.js 13.5+ can now be enabled correctly on Windows (WEB-43088).
  • Running tests with react-scripts now works again when using nvm (WEB-42729).
  • The problem with running Karma tests in Angular apps was fixed (WEB-42752).
  • yarn install is no longer incorrectly replaced with yarn add (WEB-42909).
  • The issue with the resolve for Flow modules was fixed (WEB-40527).
  • A couple of performance problems with JavaScript and TypeScript were solved (WEB-41653 and WEB-43045).

For the full list of issues addressed in WebStorm 2019.3.2, please see the release notes.

The WebStorm Team