WebStorm 2019.3.3, the third bug-fix update for WebStorm 2019.3, is now available!

You can update to it using the Toolbox App or right from the IDE. You can also download WebStorm 2019.3.3 from our website.

Here’s what you can find in WebStorm 2019.3.3:

  • Support for `i18n-` attributes in Angular was added (WEB-39230).
  • The problem with missing usage of private members in Vue components was solved (WEB-40644).
  • Quasar components are now recognized when the 1.7.4 version is used (WEB-43354).
  • Environment variables are now defined when using WSL node interpreter (WEB-42752).
  • Several issues with Yarn 2 support were fixed (WEB-43384, WEB-43298, and WEB-43396).
  • The problem with high battery consumption with the Vue.js plugin was solved (WEB-43017).

For the full list of issues addressed in WebStorm 2019.3.3, please see the release notes.

The WebStorm Team