With the release date quickly approaching, we’re ready to announce the release candidate (RC) for WebStorm 2020.1! Unlike previous EAP builds, this RC requires you to have an active WebStorm license. If you don't have one, you'll receive a 30-day free trial.


Let’s take a brief look at the major improvements available in the RC version of WebStorm 2020.1.

  • New default editor font: Starting with v2020.1, WebStorm comes with JetBrains Mono selected by default, with the option to set a font of your choice.
  • More helpful quick documentation: The Documentation popup is now shown when you hover over a symbol. This helps you find information about specific symbols faster. For JavaScript and TypeScript, the popup contains details about the type and visibility of the symbol, as well as where that symbol is defined.
  • Zen mode for focused coding: The new Zen mode combines the Distraction Free mode and the Full Screen mode. Use it whenever you want to focus completely on your code.
  • Improved Vue support: As Vue.js is becoming increasingly popular, we want WebStorm to be the most helpful IDE for working with it. In this release, we’ve added support for the Vuex library and the Composition API from Vue 3.
  • Running Prettier on save: With the new Run on save for files option, WebStorm will apply Prettier formatting to all files specified in the IDE settings and edited in the project as soon as you save those files.
  • Bundled spell checker: WebStorm 2020.1 comes bundled with Grazie, our spelling, grammar, and style checking tool. This will help you avoid grammar mistakes when adding comments, commit messages, and various language constructs.
  • Simplified commit rebasing process: In WebStorm 2020.1, you’ll find a reworked, more interactive version of the Rebasing Commits dialog that opens when you click the Interactively Rebase from Here action.
  • Using WebStorm for quick editing: With the new LightEdit mode, you can open a file in a text-like editor window without creating or loading a project.

To learn more about what else has been implemented in WebStorm 2020.1, check out our previous EAP blog posts.

Please report any issues on our issue tracker, and stay tuned for the upcoming release announcement!

The WebStorm team