This year’s first major update, WebStorm 2020.1, landed a couple of weeks ago. We’d like to thank everyone who shared their product experience, feedback, and suggestions with us during our Early Access Program. You helped us make v2020.1 better!

With WebStorm 2020.2 scheduled for the end of July, we’ll continue to move in the same direction that we designated at the end of last year.

First, we’ll keep improving performance. We’re currently working on several platform-wide initiatives that we announced last year, including less disruptive indexing and dynamic loading of plugins. To learn more about these and other performance-related initiatives we have planned for 2020, take a look at this blog post.

As usual, you’ll also find lots of new features and improved support for some technologies in WebStorm 2020.2. For starters, we’re still experimenting with ML-assisted code completion for JavaScript and TypeScript. We’ll share more details about it as soon as we get some meaningful results.

For the frameworks, we want to implement some basic support for Nuxt.js, teach the IDE to better recognize CSS modules in Vue projects, and further improve support for React Redux.

We’ve also been getting a lot of questions about Svelte.js support. Although we don’t plan to add out-of-the-box support for it at the moment, we’ve decided to collaborate with the author of the popular Svelte plugin, who has already done outstanding work on it, in order to help enhance Svelte support available with this plugin. As soon as our collaboration brings some tangible results, we’ll publish a blog post explaining how you can get the most out of this plugin.

You can also expect some long-awaited improvements to JavaScript tooling. Some of them, including WSL support and an option for running ESLint on save, will be already available in the upcoming bug-fix updates for WebStorm 2020.1. In addition to that, we want to add an option to set Prettier as the default formatter.

Lastly, we’ve already done some housekeeping activities in the previous release cycle but we have some more planned for the next few months. Specifically, we’ll keep deprecating support for some rarely used technologies and tools. This doesn’t mean you will lose the support for them, but it will stay available via plugins.

That’s about it. Of course, our roadmap is subject to change, but the overall direction will stay the same. Stay tuned for the upcoming start of the Early Access Program for 2020.2!

The WebStorm team