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We are happy to release YouTrack 2020.1! And now, there is a way to express this happiness, and many other emotions, with emoji reactions. 😀 What’s more, you won’t miss any reactions thanks to reaction notifications we’ve introduced.

In other enhancements, in-context translation right from the user interface is now available for anyone who wants to contribute to our community-based language localizations. YouTrack 2020.1 also adds new custom fields settings for administrators to support some tricky use cases without writing workflows and improves VCS integrations for developers.

Please read ahead to learn more.

We hope this news will put a smile 😀on your face as it did for us in each of our standup meetings devoted to the ‘Emoji Reactions’ swimlane 👏

Emoji reactions for everyone👍🎉😀❤️

Reactions let you add quick responses to comments in YouTrack. People love emoji because they can replace words, or even entire phrases, with a single character. When used effectively, reactions can eliminate the need to post additional comments on an issue.

Reactions can be easy to overlook, and we recognize that sometimes it’s crucial that you see them. That’s why the notification center contains a list of recent reactions to the comments that you have posted to issues in YouTrack. The ‘View comment’ link leads you directly to the issue in question.


We realize YouTrack is an issue tracker, not a chat application, so we think that a limited set of reactions is a good starting point. We'll be listening carefully to what our users say and aligning our vision accordingly, so please go ahead and express your feelings!

In-context translation for users of community-supported languages

The YouTrack user interface is localized to English, French, German, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish. There is also an option to switch to one of the languages supported by the user community: Chinese (Simplified), Czech, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Polish, and Portuguese.


We’re making it even easier for users of these community-supported languages to make a difference. When you switch to the in-context translation mode, all parts of the UI that have not yet been translated will be highlighted, and you will be able to suggest translations for them without leaving the application. Once approved by JetBrains, your translations will become visible to everyone who uses YouTrack in your language. Learn more.

The translation process is visible in real time. Even the dynamic part of the application and strings that contain placeholders can be translated this way. Once enabled, the feature becomes available to all users of your YouTrack server. If you don’t want to bother everyone in your team with the option, please consider creating a separate YouTrack server dedicated to translation purposes, with a free plan.


Group-based visibility for custom fields to help administrators with tricky cases

New settings for custom fields limit the ability to view or update field values to members of a specific group or team. These settings let project administrators apply fine-grained restrictions to particular fields without having to rely on privacy settings or writing complex workflows.

Until now, YouTrack offered similar support using private fields. However, private fields have always been an "all or nothing" solution. If you have permission to view and update one private field in a project, nothing prevents you from viewing and updating values in any of the other private fields in the same project.

In YouTrack 2020.1 and its group-based visibility options, an administrator can set the requirements for viewing and updating field data independently for each of the fields in a project. This lets you grant access to fields in your project with pinpoint precision.

Now project administrators can create one dedicated user group that defines who can see particular fields, and another that sets who can update them. This fine-grained scheme covers the trickiest use cases without forcing you to write complex workflows.


Improvements in VCS and TeamCity integrations for developers

We’ve improved the integrations between YouTrack and TeamCity, Upsource, and VCS hosting services such as GitHub.

Share commits with other project(s)

Thanks to the integrations, you can attach VCS changes that mention issue IDs in their comments to the respective issue. With recent improvements, you can set up the integration only for one project and share it with other projects. This way, the other projects also get changes attached to the issues. To share a configuration, simply select the necessary project(s). After a configuration is shared with a project, it will be visible in its administration area.


With the YouTrack–TeamCity integration, you also may choose which issues are assigned to build numbers with greater precision. The YouTrack–TeamCity integration considers issues mentioned in VCS changes included in a build as being “related” to the build. When a build is processed by the integration, related issues which happen to be in a resolvedstate (displayed as gray strikethrough) are subject to update with a build number.

Now it is possible to specify the condition (highlighted on the screenshot below) that will determine which related issues are to be updated.

TC integration issues

Swagger support

As one more development-related enhancement, YouTrack 2020.1 features a built-in Swagger Open API 3.0 definition file. It offers an easy way to explore the YouTrack REST API, which allows you to integrate your application with YouTrack. Please refer to the GitHub page to locate compatible code generator tools for your favorite runtime.

Permission to ‘Apply commands silently’ for massive changes

This new permission is granted to project and system administrators by default, and they can grant permission to other users. The permission allows a user to perform massive changes to issues without notifying all their watchers.


Get YouTrack now

For more technical details about the release, please see the Release Notes. To learn more about configuring the new features, refer to the latest documentation.

If you use YouTrack InCloud, your instance will be automatically upgraded to YouTrack 2020.1 according to our Maintenance Calendar. If you have an active Standalone subscription, you can download YouTrack 2020.1 today. If not, you can use the free version to try out the new YouTrack! For information about licensing upgrade options for YouTrack, please visit our Buy page.

We highly appreciate all your feedback, so please share it with us in the comment section below. And of course please get in touch with support if you have any further questions – we are always here to help!

Your YouTrack team