We’d like to share our plans for Rider 2020.1 with you and find out what we can do next to improve your development experience. Your feedback is always welcome!

For the 2020 release, we've been burning through the Great Ticket Close-out! We have been fixing bugs and implementing features that are important to make your experience using Rider the very best it can be.

We're doing our best to target version 2020.1 to ship all these great features, but some require a lot of work and could ship in a later version. Here's our top priorities for 2020.1:

  • Pencils - The new Pencils feature allows a user to change editor's severity easily. Although Rider has so many excellent and popular intention actions and help, some users prefer a quieter experience. With just one click from a non-modal popup, you can turn on or off Code Vision, Parameter Hints, Unity Performance Hints, Errors, Warnings, Suggestions, Context actions, and many more.
  • Unity - XML documentation support for BCLs on Mono, new breakpoints which will suspend the Unity Editor, and support for shaders.
  • RESX - We have first introduced the RESX editor in Resharper 2019.3, but now this much needed feature is coming to Rider!
  • Blazor - Blazor is a blazing through the .NET space, and has become quite popular very quickly. So we're working on improving Blazor support in our IDE.
  • UX - There's a cleaner experience when using Threads View in Debugger

We are working hard on porting our backend to .NET Core. Although we are not targeting this to be the default in 2020.1, you will be able to try it out with an experimental flag very soon.

In addition to the features we've just mentioned, you can expect much better TFS support, along with hot reload for Xamarin, and all the goodies that will be available in IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1 and ReSharper 2020.1.

We've made some performance improvements in Rider 2019.3, especially around application startup. This time we are focusing on something a bit more narrow in scope - the project's startup time. Prepare for blazing fast startups in the future!

What do you think about these plans? Feel free to submit a new feature request in our issue tracker if we’ve missed something, or upvote any existing requests to let us know it is important to you. We are looking forward to your feedback!