We invite you to join a free virtual event, JetBrains .NET Days Online, taking place Wednesday and Thursday, May 13 and 14, 13:00–21:30 CEST (07:00–15:30 EDT – check your time zone). Let us know if you can make it!


Twelve community speakers will be covering topics that they are passionate about. Expect technical content & speakers' experience with specific tools and technologies. This year's agenda features C#, F#, coding practices like refactoring and defensive coding, web, and cloud. There is an interesting topic for everyone in this diverse set of talks!

JetBrains .NET Days Online, 13-14 May, 2020


May 13

  • Refactoring to Patterns with ReSharper, by Zoran Horvat
  • Yield Return 'cause I'm Awaiting: Deep Dive into Async Streams, by Andrew Karpov
  • From C# to Python – 10 Things I Learned Along the Way, by Tess Ferrandez
  • Formatting F# Code, by Florian Verdonck
  • Starting a Blog, by Khalid Abuhakmeh
  • Build a highly performant interservice communication with gRPC for ASP.NET Core, by Riccardo Terrell

May 14

  • Learning F# by Designing Your Own Language, by Alexey Golub
  • Create Web APIs with ASP.NET Core using Outside-In TDD, by Pedro Moreira Santos
  • TDD and The Terminator – An Introduction to Test-Driven Development, by Layla Porter
  • Developing with .NET Core on AWS Using Rider, by Martin Beeby
  • Better Object Mapping in .NET with Dapper, by Kevin Griffin
  • Defensive Coding Bootcamp, by Heather Downing

Space is limited, so please register now. There will be an opportunity to ask questions during the online event.


A video recording will be made available a few days later.

JetBrains .NET Days Online is kindly supported by the .NET Foundation and Twilio.

Hoping to see you there soon!