The recording of our April 21 webinar, NUKE - Designing a build system with IDE support in mind, with Matthias Koch, is now available. Subscribe to our community newsletter to receive notifications about future webinars.

There are quite a number of build systems for the .NET ecosystem. All of them have proven to improve lives of many developers working in build infrastructure. However, many of them follow a scripting approach, which inevitably requires lots of efforts to bring back common IDE features like code completion, refactorings, or debugging. NUKE is different in that it doesn't step out of boundaries of conventional frameworks, and thus leaving all the essential tooling intact.

In this talk, we will provide a short introduction to build automation, how NUKE works, and look at some of the design decisions along the way of building it. We will also briefly discuss extension points in Rider that allowed the delivery of an even more integrated experience, for instance by adding custom run configurations, executing targets via Alt-Enter, viewing a live graph of target dependencies, and more ideas yet to implement.

Join this presentation if you’re interested in build automation, enhancing frameworks with more IDE integration, or just if you’re a fan of Rider, ReSharper (or TeamCity)!

Webinar agenda:

  • 0:15 - Introduction
  • 0:59 - Background on Build Automation
  • 8:26 - NUKE as a Console Application
  • 10:15 - Adding Targets as Members
  • 15:29 - Gutter Marks
  • 23:00 - Global Actions
  • 25:14 - Rider tooling for NUKE
  • 39:28 - Parameters with Default Values
  • 40:25 - CI Configurations
  • 49:42 - Q&A


Download Rider and give it a try!

About the presenter:

Matthias KochMatthias is a passionate C# developer and likes to talk about clean code, testing and tooling in general. Much of his spare time in the last years was devoted to his very own open source projects. He is working at JetBrains as developer advocate for the .NET department.

Follow him on Twitter.

P.S.: Join us for JetBrains .NET Days Online 2020 on May 13+14! Community speakers will be covering topics they are passionate about! Expect technical content and speakers' experience with specific tools and technologies. This year's agenda features C#, F#, coding practices like refactoring and defensive coding, web, cloud and Xamarin, and we'll even dive into setting up a blog! Find out more...