We’ve published two hotfix updates, Rider 2020.1.1 and ReSharper Ultimate 2020.1.1. Here are the fixes we’ve added with each of them.

ReSharper Ultimate 2020.1.1

  • Visual Studio no longer hangs when scrolling in the “File Diff” view: RSRP-479215.
  • We’ve eliminated a stack overflow exception in the newly added dataflow analysis for integer variables that led Visual Studio to crash.

Rider 2020.1.1

  • There is a fix for the error “Evaluation is not allowed: The thread is not at a GC-safe point” in the debugger: RIDER-40357.
  • We’ve eliminated a stack overflow exception in C# code analysis (see ReSharper notes above).

Go ahead and install these builds. You’ll find ReSharper Ultimate 2020.1.1 and Rider 2020.1.1 on our website, or you can update using the Toolbox App.