After publishing the hotfixes last week, it’s now time for regular bugfix updates. We’re pleased to present Rider 2020.1.2 and ReSharper Ultimate 2020.1.2.

I’ve collected some of the most important fixes our team has made for you below.

ReSharper Ultimate 2020.1.2


Check out the full list of fixes here.

Rider 2020.1.2

  • We’ve eliminated the performance issues in the Local History diff view, as well as the problems with scrolling and selection: RIDER-42981.
  • We’ve gotten rid of several false positives in C# code analysis (see ReSharper notes above).
  • The Azure Tools plugin has been updated to fix broken Azure run configurations:
  • Unit test coverage sessions on macOS are no longer extremely slow and they no longer get stuck: RIDER-41750.
  • As usual, we’ve made several fixes and improvements to Unity support:
  • We implemented more fixes related to displaying XML documentation for Mono BCL (Base Class Library): RIDER-11155.
  • We fixed the Android plugin, which broke the “Unity Explorer” view in the release build: RIDER-43038.
  • There is a fix for a hang during “constructing components” due to excessive FileSystemWatcher initialization.
  • We improved the presentation of assets in Find Usages results.
  • We improved the presentation of the Packages folder in certain scenarios.
  • As always, you can find more details here.

To take a look at the other fixes we’ve made, please check out this page.

You can find ReSharper Ultimate 2020.1.2 and Rider 2020.1.2 on our website, update using the Toolbox App, or you can update Rider as a snap.