The Early Access Program for ReSharper C++ 2020.1 is coming soon. We’d like to share our plans with you and hopefully find out what we can do next to improve your development experience. Your feedback is always welcome!

First of all, let’s highlight our top priorities for the ReSharper C++ releases planned for 2020:

  • Performance – Performance remains our main area of focus this year. We are already working on a lot of C++-specific improvements and performance fixes, along with the global out of process migration.
  • HLSL support – The major new feature of this year is HLSL support. HLSL is the High Level Shading Language for creating C-like programmable shaders. We are going to give you a complete pack of features for programming your own Direct3D pipeline!
  • Unreal Engine 4 – We plan to continue working on UE4-specific features to make game development even more productive and enjoyable.
  • C++ support – The C++20 standard will be officially signed off this year, so we’re committed to providing you with support for all its new and long-awaited language features. We'll do our best to help you adopt them with the support you’ve come to expect from JetBrains tools, such as code inspections, quick-fixes, and code completion.

We are also excited to share more detailed plans for Unreal Engine 4 support in our tools in 2020. ReSharper C++ is already helping you craft the best games with UE4, and we’ll definitely work hard to enhance this experience. But there will be even more! In the world of Unity Game Development and general .NET programmers, Rider is already well known as a smart cross-platform Unity and .NET IDE. Now we are ready to take it forward – to Unreal Engine development! The Public Preview of Rider for Unreal Engine will begin soon, so stay tuned.

Talking about the nearest upcoming release, here are some details for what you can expect in ReSharper C++ 2020.1.

Note: This is a preliminary plan, so we cannot guarantee that all listed features will be included in ReSharper C++ 2020.1.

  • C++ support. We’re working both on supporting new language features and on extending the existing support:
  • Support for class types in non-type template parameters.
  • C++20’s using enum declarations and the “Introduce Using Enum” refactoring.
  • Constrained type placeholders and abbreviated function templates.
  • Support for concepts in inspections.
  • Performance. We are constantly making lots of small optimization tweaks, but here are some significant ones for this release:
  • Project model optimizations.
  • Faster Find Usages.
  • HLSL support. The first huge set of HLSL features is expected to include:
  • Syntax highlighting.
  • Search and navigation.
  • Code completion.
  • UE4-specific #includes with virtual file paths.
  • Unreal Engine 4. Some highlights of our work on better UE4 support:
  • Reading .uproject and other UE4 project files: this will help ReSharper C++ extend the basic VS model of the UE4 project and suggest only available and applicable items for the #include and code completion lists; work better with the plugin's code; improve auto-import; and more.
  • Improvements to the Rename refactoring.
  • Other noteworthy features:
  • Support for Rearrange Code.
  • Upgrading Clang-Tidy to Clang 10.
  • Import and export the #include sorting settings using a .clang-format file.
  • New inspections and quick-fixes.

What do you think about these plans? Feel free to submit a new feature request in our issue tracker if we’ve missed something, or upvote any existing request to let us know it is important to you. We are looking forward to your feedback!