Have you had a chance to check out our latest 2020.1 release? We certainly hope you like it, and we already have ideas about how to make ReSharper C++ even better. Let's go ahead and take a look at what we are planning to do next to improve your development experience!

This time around, we want to polish functionality that has already been introduced and make a quality-targeted release. Of course, we do have plans to implement more features for the upcoming C++20, but our top priorities are fixing bugs and improving performance.

Here are some details about what you can expect in ReSharper C++ 2020.2:

  • Performance – We are continuing to work on the implementation of our long term plan to move the majority of ReSharper's language processing outside of the Visual Studio process. Check out this post, which discusses where we are on this journey. Moreover, besides the global performance improvements, more C++-specific fixes are on the way. So there’s a lot of magic happening behind the scenes, and we hope you'll feel the difference.
  • C++/CLI – It feels like C++/CLI support has been lacking our attention. It's time to correct this injustice! You can expect better code completion and analysis, improved navigation for generics, and deeper interoperation with C# code. For example, with this update you’ll be able to select the related extension method from the suggestion list or quickly navigate to the inherited C# class.
  • HLSL – Despite the fact we are focusing more on general bug fixing, our initial HLSL support has some limitations that should be addressed. So we are working on the control-flow and data-flow analyses, code completion for built-in intrinsic functions, and also improving search and navigation for the constant and texture buffers.
  • C++20 – We still have a long list of C++20 features awaiting implementation, and some of them are temporarily postponed until they are supported by the compiler. But we can't wait to do more to help you adopt the new standard! That’s why right now, we are enhancing the evaluation of constexpr functions and extending support for the “spaceship” three-way comparison operator.

Additionally, we’ll continue to improve support for Unreal Engine development in ReSharper C++. And if you want to try a stand-alone IDE for your UE4 games and help us make Rider a universal Game Dev IDE, join the early preview of Rider for Unreal Engine!

Above all, we are planning to fix a lot of bugs. So feel free to vote in our issue tracker to make sure we don’t miss anything that’s important to you!

Your ReSharper C++ team JetBrainsThe Drive to Develop